Midterm Exam Schedules of ENF and YDB/GKD/YDE Coded Courses

The midterm and make-up exams of all courses conducted by the Department of Informatics are as follows; midterm exams will be held on Monday, April 17, 2023, between 09:00-15:00, and make-up exams will be held on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, between 12:00-13:00, online on dys.mu.edu.tr.

The midterm exams of YDB, GKD, and YDE-coded foreign language courses (English, German, French, Russian, Latin) conducted by the School of Foreign Languages will be held online on dys.mu.edu.tr on Friday, April 14, 2023, between 09:00-19:00.

Last Update : 11.05.2023 20:58 Number of Views : 374
