Dear Students,

As you know, formal education has been temporarily interrupted and replaced by distance education by the decisions taken by the Presidency of Higher Education Council on March 16 and March 19, 2020. Distance education at Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University will start by Monday, 23 March 2020.

MSKU Computer Engineering Department will start distance education as of March 23, 2020. ALL of the department coded (CENG) courses of the 2019-2020 spring semester will be continued with distance education. I would like to inform you personally that all the necessary measures are taken by both our University and our Department to ensure that our 4th grade students, who are at the graduation stage, are least affected by this unfavorable negative situation. In this process, you also have responsibilities. It is essential to comply with the issues listed below in order to conduct distance education and related processes in a healthy way. Hereby, I would like to state my belief that we will overcome this extraordinary situation together.

1) Regularly check your e-mail address and follow the information about the courses and related activities.

2) Frequently check the information about the courses through the website of Distance Education Center (UZEM) of our university (

3) Visit our department's web page and social media accounts frequently.

4) Workplace training and internships are planned to be carried out face-to-face during the last weeks of the Spring Semester, if possible. Follow the announcements.

5) All midterm exams, which were planned to be held after March 16, 2020 but could not be held due to a break from education, have been postponed to a later date. Midterm exam dates and the methods of the exam will be announced.

6) Based on the fact that there will be no student entrance to the campuses during the education break at our university, students will receive the documents they need through the e-government system, and they can communicate with their academic department via e-mail or phone for the documents that cannot be received through the e-government system. Contact addresses related to this subject will be announced to you via the means referred above.

7) In case they qualify for graduation, students who certify that their job applications and/or appointments are accepted will be able to receive their diplomas by post from the Registrar's Office.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your advisors and ask questions on issues besides those mentioned above. We are here for you and we will work through this process in solidarity.

With our sincere love and respect,

On behalf of MSKU Computer Engineering Department,

Assoc. Dr. Bekir Taner DİNÇER,
Head of department.

Last Update : 24.03.2020 19:57 Number of Views : 688
