Final/Make-Up Program of ENF Coded Courses

In the Fall Semester of the 2021-2022 Academic Year, final exams of the "ENF 1805 Temel Bilgi Teknolojileri Kullanımı", "GKD 10005 Bilişim Teknolojileri", "ENF 1805 Introduction to Information & Communication Technologies" and "ENF1803 Bilgisayar I" courses belonging to the Department of Informatics, will be held electronically in the laboratories of the Department of Informatics on Wednesday, 05.01.2022, at the times specified here.

Final exams of elective courses are planned to be held on Friday, 07.01.2022 at the Informatics Department Laboratories at the times specified here.

Make-up exams for all courses given by the Department of Informatics are planned to be held on Wednesday, 19.01.2022 at the Informatics Department Laboratories at the times specified here.

Last Update : 04.02.2022 14:00 Number of Views : 785
